Innovative solution – combination of a window with a ventilation device with high-efficiency heat/cold recovery, regardless of weather conditions.


  • in all EMO STROPEX systems in combination with windows and doors made of PVC, aluminum, wood,
  • as a standalone installation outside of insulation systems.

RESPIRECO is a brand that launches ventilation devices with high-efficiency heat recovery. The efficiency of the devices never drops below 95% regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. One of the main advantages of the device is the lack of condensate that would have to be drained outside the device.

Lintel KZN

The KZN lintel designed to all EMO STROPEX systems allowed for optimal placement of the ventilation device over the window. Installation options are presented in the following presentation: installation variants of RESPIRECO system ventilation devices.

For more information, visit the website of the energy-saving reversible ventilation device

Presentation of installation variants of respireco devices below

respireco installation variants

Advantages of the ventilation system based on thermo-BEAM RESPIRECO

  • 60% lower heating bills
  • guaranteed low CO2 concentration
  • high-class F9 anti-smog filter
  • 60-88% moisture recovery
  • the heat exchanger does not require protection. Installation without heaters and without airflow limitation
  • heat recovery efficiency always above 95% regardless of weather conditions
  • simple installation – no condensation means no drainage system
  • simple installation – no ventilation ducts
  • can be used both in new construction and in thermal modernization of a building
  • the device operates in summer/winter mode. In the summer it does not lose the coolness of the interior, in the winter – it does not lose its warmth, while constantly exchanging air

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